I'm Rois. I'm A 23 year old graduate of chemical engineering from Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. That being said that is probably the worst sentence in the world to describe me. So I'll try once more: I'm bored. Like most people in this world I get stressed, depressed and exhibit very low levels of functioning when not stimulated in some form or another. I've been in school since I was five years old and never worked full time at a job for more than four months. I have relied 100% on school for my source of education, motivation, aspiration, and creative inspiration .
Now that school is over and a job is not secured I have a lot of free time to pack up and leave the town where I was educated and start applying that knowledge in the real world. My goal during this period of time is to learn or experience something that is new to me, or I have fallen off the rails with (exercise for example) every day of the week. I'm not entirely sure how this is going to play out, so for now I'm going to update this blog everyday (because I have barrel's of time) and show you loyal readers what I've been up to.
Since this is my first ever post I will do a recap for my 'new' life adventures for the past three days since school has been out.
Day #1 Saturday May 5, 2012
Hiking at Long Lake Provincial Park, smokie on four legs (time since last hike ~ 8 years).
Hey guys I'm on a rock! at a lake! (Photo Ryan C. Kelly).
That's me in the photo above, the first day out of school, looking happy as ever with my fashionable summer wear and over-packed satchel. An no, we did not see any bears in the woods, but there were about 3.5 trillion dogs allowed to rampage their little hearts out on the trail. And all of them were God-damned adorable.
Day #2 Sunday May 6, 2012
Holy Shit a House Clean (time since last clean ~ 4 months).
My apartment is a pile of shit. It is an undersized, overpriced feces haven that has earned the name 'Tird Mansion.' It has always been messy and full of useless things because of the apathetic attitudes that my roommates and I employed while living here. Since my two roommates moved out it was about time for a change. Well, now it's clean, and almost looks like a normal flat.
Day #3 Monday May 7, 2012
Shit. (time since a nothing day ~ 1 week)
Didn't do a God damned thing.
Day #4 Tuesday May 8, 2012
Blog-a-log-a-log (time since last blog ~ forever)
So technically Tuesday is today. This is the day I decided to actually write down my new adventures which I hope will motivate me to actually overcome my laziness and live a little. The product of today's adventure will be repeated every day until I find something better to do with my time. :)
Also I made a youtube playlist of top 40 music that has been present at some point somewhere in my life.
It's been delicious,
It's been delicious,
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