Day #5-54 End of June, baby.
What the fuck happened to motivation?
So on the second day of blogging I shall share some fun things that I've been up to. Note: mostly nothing because I got back on the Starcraft train a few weeks after the last post, which... holy shit. The accomplishment/time ratio is teenie tiny. Like a li'l teenie bopper. I'll get back to Starcraft in a future post.
In other news, remember that pile of shit house I live in? I no long live in it! Tird Mansion is now the sole responsibility of the newest roommate. There were three, then one, then one more moved in. I have never been so exceedingly happy to move out of a place (did I tell you how big a pile a shit Duncan House was too?) yet the change coming back to what used to be a middle class house where my parents live is just phenomenal. <-- I know this word is a little inappropriate, but ... fuck you I'm a wizard.
I moved out of my house when I was 18 years old, half way through first year and have never been back 'home' for more than two months at a time due to my education on the other coast. And holy shit, the work that was put in to raising me and my brother ended up getting transfered to gardening and improving this house. Now, there is a furnished basement, a garden and a patio in the back. If you ask me how much teenagers cost, my guess is your life, a hot tub, and a bbq.
Now dealing with the laziness that I've been plagued with as a young adult. This has been a snowball effect and these bizarre problems started occurring over the last few years. The end of high school and in first year here at UNBC, I had a decent work ethic, my problem solving approach was pretty terrible, but I didn't like sitting still and not putting my mind to work for something. On the east coast, I got a little older and realized I didn't really need to apply myself to survive. The lesson learned here is there is a very large gap between survival and flourishing. I was the opposite of ambitious. "Will putting an extra three hours of work tonight in to this assignment be worth it?" My grade will go from a B to a B+. Not worth my time.
That and the added element of teamwork in engineering, has encouraged me to stay afloat by using collective resources and knowing enough for my professors to say "good enough." This shitty attitude now applies to my everyday thinking and I've been working to destroy it, but I am afraid this will take a very long time. Some consequences of this have been very noticeable with this mentality is weight gain. Being a lump on the road, not being very active, not healthy lifestyle or ambitions. How the fuck important is exercise? Well. Those bizzare problems I mentioned earlier. Like, shortness of breath when climbing a small set of stairs, excessive sweating on days with little humidity. The extra weight made me fatigued quicker no matter what I did (this and horrible diet) meaning getting out of bed was some times a chore. Bending over is difficult, since my flexibility has declined like crazy I find tying my shoes difficult, I have to put my foot on a raised surface instead of bending over.
I did run a few times a week with a good friend from Halifax, but today was my first day of actually attempting to motivate myself to run without help. Granted I walked up all the hills, I managed to get from my address here to the park and back without dying. I'm going to get some pictures up next week and see if I can't get my photography skills back on track.
Gotta start somewhere.
It's been delicious,